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Final Answer: Best method for translating FGDC to ISO

This post lists my current recommendations for translating FGDC metadata files into ISO19139.

Background:  At the November Summit, we decided that all of the metadata files should be in the
same format and we chose ISO 191115 using the ISO 19139 implementation.  I spent several months and did numerous tests to determine the best process for carrying out this transformation.  I was hoping to find a solution that was cross-platform and open source.  However, I concluded that the best tool right now for this process is ArcCatalog.  

Even within ArcCatalog, there are several options and scripts that can be combined to create an ISO file.  I have chosen two basic options.  At this time, all other methods attempted produced unacceptable metadata loss.  

BEST: (if the dataset is available for download)
Download the dataset.  Use a combination of Metadata Conversion tools to generate, combine, and/or upgrade existing metadata into the ArcGIS 1.0 Metadata Format.  All essential metadata will be retained.

GOOD:  (if only the standalone XML file is available)
Use the Esri Translator with FGDC2Esri_ISO selected on a standalone XML file. All metadata except the reference system information will be retained.

The future:

For this project, all of the FGDC metadata will be kept in the ArcGIS 1.0 metadata format.  This includes some information that can not currently be exported to ISO 19139, including entity & attribute information and reference system information.  The ISO 19115 standard is currently under revision and may be structured differently for these elements.  New tools may become available as the updated version of the standard becomes more widely adopted, and we may revisit this topic.