Our project is currently in a trial phase involving simple metadata file collection and evaluation. Most institutions have obtained metadata files in xml format from their state's GIS clearinghouse and forwarded them to myself. Nearly all of these files use the FGDC metadata standard.
There are a number of issues to address before we can ingest these files into a geoportal including:
- Data download link: missing from some files, and in various fields across states
- Technical information: missing from some files, but obtainable from dataset (examples are attribute table and coordinate system)
- Aggregation: this set of elements can be used to cross-reference to other datasets, but its employment has been inconsistent
- Interpretation of fields: there are a few instances of the same elements being used to hold different types of values across states
- Usage limitations cited in metadata: some of the files request that the metadata should not be edited or addended.
We are forming a plan to convene a Metadata Working Group drawn from members of the task force to collaboratively address these issues.