Note: This is the third in a series of posts describing the metadata tools in ArcGIS. ArcGIS contains several tools for metadata creation, editing, and transformations. They are found in Conversion Tools - Metadata. This post reviews the Import Metadata tool. The Import Metadata tool can function as a series of tools. First, it Upgrades the metadata to be imported into ArcGIS 1.0 metadata format. Four options are offered: FROM_ARCGIS - The metadata is already in the ArcGIS 1.0 format, so the Upgrade process is not necessary. FROM_ESRIISO, FROM_FGDC, or FROM_ISO_19139 - If one of these parameters is chosen, the source metadata will be updated. Next, it Imports the external metadata into the target. Any elements from the source metadata will overwrite those fields in the target metadata. However, elements NOT present in the source metadata will not overwrite the target met...
Metadata blog